RGRCNA XXXV: Volunteer Subcommittee meeting
RGRCNA XXXV: Volunteer Subcommittee meeting
Volunteer Subcommittee meeting 02/01/2025 ZOOM ONLY - Zoom ID: 841 3283 9746 Password: 047662 NO Clean Time Requirement
Volunteer Subcommittee meeting 02/01/2025 ZOOM ONLY - Zoom ID: 841 3283 9746 Password: 047662 NO Clean Time Requirement
Hospitality Subcommittee meets Sunday 02/02/2025 @6:30 pm. ZOOM ONLY! Zoom ID: 841 32839746 Password: 047662 Come be a part of the Rio Grande Region Convention Hospitality subcommittee!
Bosque Area Service Committee Meeting meets monthly on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00am at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church (608 Avenida Cesar Chavez SE, Albuquerque, NM 87102) Zoom Meeting ID: 834 0656 0749 Passcode: BosqueNA Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83406560749?pwd=Q1J0bTF0TzY0aFVkSkpVQ0pBTWNGdz09 Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 834 0656 […]
COME JOIN US! SPANISH PROGRAM & TRANSLATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE! This subcommittee gets the opportunity to set the Spanish Program and ensure we have proper interpretation & translation for the convention so that addicts can hear and read the NA message in their language. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84132839746?pwd=REFROExsc0lzMG4zUm9uaWRSdjBQZz09 Zoom ID: 841 3283 9746 Password: 047662
NA Valentine's Day Event ... Come share your journey of a "True Love Story Starts Within". The Bosque Area will provide pizza, salad and drinks. Our guest speaker will celebrate 27 years clean and will also serve as our DJ for the dance. Please come and participate in your recovery. We welcome volunteers for clean […]